作者: 张云霞 | 发布时间: 2024/5/7 20:41:35 | 941次浏览
Ravens(渡鸦)are widows. (或 Widows are ravens.)
Ravens are widow, these people say. They say that because ravens and widows are poor and don’t have anyone to get meat for them. This is why sometimes these women will stand near your camp and wait like that until you give them food. It is the same way with ravens. They stand around near the roads so they can eat what is killed there; they just wait like that until some car hits something and kills it. That’s what ravens are doing when you see them standing near roads. They are waiting to get fresh meat.
( 寡妇是渡鸦。他们这样说是因为渡鸦和寡妇都穷,都没人给他们准备肉食。所以有时这些女人就在你的帐篷旁边这样站在,等你给她们吃的东西。渡鸦也是这样。它们站在路旁等着吃被撞死的动物。它们就这样等着,等着汽车撞上什么动物。你看到渡鸦站在路旁时就会看到这个。它们在等新鲜的肉食。)
中,把渡鸦的特征映射到寡妇上,于是产生了隐喻 RAVENS ARE WIDOWS。