英语教学中 paraphrase 的对象
作者: 张云霞 | 发布时间: 2024/6/2 10:45:24 | 949次浏览
Were he younger ( = If he were younger) ,he would learn skating.
Had they realized ( = If they had realized) how important the task was,they wouldn’t
have refused to accept it.
( 3) 特殊的否定句
He would be the last man I want to see. : I didn’t want to see him at all.
All music is alike to Tom. : Tom don’t know how to appreciate music at all.
Your work shows want of care. : Your work shows you are not careful.
上述句子都是不出现否定词的否定句,只有通过 paraphrase,学生才能真正弄懂含义。
3. 特殊形式的虚拟语气
虚拟语气用法复杂,大多数学生对于一般形式的虚拟语气的认识和掌握还问题不大,但是对于一些特殊 形式特别是一些隐含条件的虚拟语气来说,在理解中会造成困难。所以在授课中要对这类句子进行 paraphrase,学生才能理解句子的真正含义。
A foolish man would have done such a thing. : If he had been a foolish man,he would have done such a thing I am otherwise engaged,or I would go myself: If I were not otherwise engaged,
上面几句为省略了 if 从句的隐含条件句,通过 paraphrase 把隐含条件还原,句意就清楚了。
But for the heavy rain,we would have arrived here earlier. : If there hadn’t
been the heavy rain,… 这句 也是特殊的虚拟语气句型,通过 paraphrase 还原成条件句,就好理解了。
Oh! My dear Sir! We have had a most delightful evening,a most excellent bal1. I wish you had been there. : It’s a pity you didn’t go there. 通过对这句的 paraphrase,会让学生对 wish 表示的虚拟语气的印象更深。
4. 一些修辞句
人们在说话、写作或文学作品中常使用一些修辞方式来说明问题,渲染气氛,增添色彩。英语修辞 格数量繁多,对于中国学生来说,理解英文里的含有修辞格的句子就存在一些困难,教师在授课中要对 一些难以理解的句子进行释义,下面举些常用的修辞格来加以说明。
( 1) 比喻
We were really frightened of the math teacher. She was a real dragon. : She was really a bad - tempered woman. 在对这句话的 paraphrase 的教学中,要向学生阐明英汉国俗语义中对龙的不同感情色彩和理 解,这样学生才能清楚为什么要这样释义。
He is leading a dog’s life: He is leading a miserable and troubled life. 尽管狗是人类忠实的朋友,是一 种常见的宠物,在西方国家,狗常被当作家庭的一部分,但仍有可怜、堕落的一面。在教学中要向学生讲解清楚,不然学生因为 lucky dog 或 every dog’s has it’s day 而把 dog’s life 理解成“好日子”。
( 2) 借代
My 15 students read Emerson,Thoreau and Huxley. : My 15 students read Emerson’s,Thoreau’s and Huxley’s works.We can all march down there and tell him he’s got the whole street against him. : the people of the whole street
Listening to English on a regular basis will not only improve your ear,…: improve your listening skills.
上述的 Emerson,Thoreau and Huxley 指代他们的作品,而 the whole street 指代整条街的人,而 ear 则 指代听力技巧,paraphrase 后,就能化抽象为具体,使句子更易于理解。
3) 夸张
His speech brought the house down: His speech was so interesting and exciting that all the audience cheered him.
一次演讲怎么能让房子为之倾倒呢,paraphrase 后就能让学生理解,而且能明白这句话的夸张含义。
It was two hours before a snake could get below Greeley’s statue. : Below the Greeley’s statue was greatly crowded for two hours.
She gave me the impression of having more teeth,white and large and even,than were necessary for any practical purpose: She gave me the impression of greediness.
上面两句中,用“蛇在两个小时内无法爬过”来形容太挤,用“比别人有更多的牙齿”来形容太贪婪。 要是不经过教师的 paraphrase,学生要理解这类句子的真正含义是很困难的。 当然,英语修辞格很多,但笔者认为在教学中学生感到理解困难的主要是上述形象语言修辞格。因
此,在授课中对于修辞方面的 paraphrase 主要针对比喻、借代和夸张就可以了。